"...it was a great experience and I am so glad that my baby had such a positive way of entering the world with his mamma all relaxed, calm, and overwhelmed with happiness... Thank you so much Rubina for the hypnobirthing meditation and information/teaching sessions..."
Click to read their full HypnoBirthing story
— Neha & Parag
"I learned a lot on how to relax and welcome the natural process of my body giving birth. Rubina was very knowledgeable and thorough in explaining the process....I’m so happy to have been able to have a completely natural, drug-free birth with my second son Wesley, despite being a VBAC...."
Click to read HypnoBirthing VBAC story
— Jo Ellen Burton
"I really enjoyed Rubina's HypnoBirthing classes. Signing up, I really had no idea of what to expect. I heard that labor and delivery were hard and I thought by learning a little more of what to expect I could at least keep my anxiety about it all in check. What I wasn't expecting was the confidence that this class would give me. Rubina taught us all the ways in which my body and my baby prepare for birth - how if I can just release my fear and focus on producing enough endorphins, my body would take over and birth would be easy. The classes were a great experience for my partner and I and helped us learn so much about this miracle we are embarking on and what we can do to naturally aid in the journey. The scripts and audio tapes help me stay positive and relaxed as my body is changing. I feel informed and confident about my upcoming birth. With daily and weekly relaxation scripts to practice - I feel good! I know that I am strong and confident. I am so excited to meet my baby on our birthing day. Thank you, Rubina! "
Click to read their HypnoBirthing story
— Jamie & Topher Sutton
"Rubina’s calming presence was important in taking us through the stages of birth using HypnoBirthing techniques. Splitting the classes between hypnosis sessions and birthing techniques was useful. Watching examples of live birthing using the techniques was very important, especially for the first-time parents. We enjoyed the classes."
— Nathalia & Brett Penedos
"It was an amazing experience. Hypnobirthing really helped me trust myself and stay calm at any circumstance. Thanks you for helping me make my pregnancy journey so positive and memorable. I am now looking forward to a happy birthing experience."
— Priyam Kumari
"Had anxiety issues since 4 years. Initially I was very skeptical about hypnosis but found that its actually like meditation and deep relaxation. Rubina helped me with dealing my anxiety and fear related issues. I took 5 sessions. Hypnosis helped improve my confidence as well."
— Steve D
"I had a couple of sessions with rubina regarding issues with my career and personal life. She was very understanding and provided me with a plan of 3-4 sessions, involving hypnosis and past life regression therapy. I can say this with confidence that, she is good at what she does and will highly recommend her services for any type of psychological or emotional issues you might be having."
— Dev Karan