Hypnosis for Life
What the mind can see and believe, it can also achieve!
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a deep state of calmness and relaxation. The body is very comfortable and the mind is more alert than in your normal state of awareness.
People enter hypnosis naturally while watching T.V., extensive driving, as well as right before going to sleep and upon awakening. This altered state can also be induced by an overload to the conscious mind of visuals, information, and mind/body sensations. In this state, the old beliefs are then replaced with new ones.
Deeply rooted in the subconscious mind is where the majority of our behavior is governed. Therefore, to effect change we must work subconsciously.
Have you ever wondered why, when you have tried to change a habit or behavior, it usually resurfaces very shortly? This is because our conscious willpower usually cannot compete with the power of the subconscious mind. The hypnotist will simply instruct your subconscious mind to support your desires of what you want consciously.
Through Hypnosis, one can:
Modify beliefs that no longer serve you;
Learn the value of communicating with the memories and feelings stored in your mind;
Transform your experience of living by healing the past and realizing your full potential.
Hypnosis is the best tool available to access the subconscious mind and make changes to improve your life dramatically. It offers an effective, relaxing, comfortable, drug-free choice for change.
In a hypnosis session, I can assist you, through guided imagery and visualization, to bring about a desired change in behavior or thought or physical well-being.
The hypnosis sessions would include explaining how our mind works, then getting a brief history of the client, understanding the issues of concern and expectations from the hypnosis sessions, and planning a goal to be attained. Number of sessions and success may vary in individual cases. Some problems may require a medical referral. I do not, however, offer a guarantee or a refund.
Hypnosis can help with:
Anxiety Cure
Hypnosis can help with anxiety by accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming negative thought patterns. Through guided relaxation and suggestion, hypnosis promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and instills confidence. By addressing the root causes of anxiety at a subconscious level, hypnosis can facilitate lasting relief and empower individuals to manage their anxiety more effectively.
Social Anxiety/Performance Anxiety/Interview or Exam Anxiety
Conquer Fears
Hypnosis can aid in conquering fears by accessing the subconscious mind and rewiring negative associations. Through guided relaxation and suggestion, hypnosis can help individuals confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment. By reframing perceptions and instilling confidence, hypnosis empowers individuals to overcome fears and embrace a more positive outlook on life.
Fear of Flight/Driving/Water/Spiders
Heal from Heart Break
Hypnosis can aid in healing from heartbreak by accessing the subconscious mind to process emotions, release pain, and reframe negative beliefs. Through guided visualization and suggestion, hypnosis fosters self-compassion, resilience, and inner strength, facilitating emotional healing and empowering individuals to move forward with hope and optimism.
Pain Management
Hypnosis can assist with pain management by inducing deep relaxation, altering perception of pain, and promoting the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. Through focused attention and suggestion, hypnosis can help individuals gain greater control over their sensations, reduce pain intensity, and improve overall comfort and well-being.
Eliminate Migranes
Hypnosis can help reduce both short-term and long-term headaches in migraine sufferers. Hypnosis can help reduce the effect of migraine triggers and improve the associated discomfort. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can help lessen the severity of migraines.
Gut - Directed Hypnosis
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - This condition is multifactorial and has multiple mechanisms involved in generating the symptoms. Hypnosis specifically and effectively targets the gastrointestinal system and has positive effects on psychological factors. It can help considerably in pain control, and helps lessen the need of required medications.
Weight Loss Program
6 Sessions Package
Hypnosis can aid in weight loss by targeting underlying psychological factors that contribute to overeating, such as stress, emotional eating, and self-sabotaging beliefs. Through suggestion and visualization, hypnosis can promote healthier eating habits, increase motivation for exercise, and enhance self-control, empowering individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes and achieve their weight loss goals.
Past Life Regression Therapy
120 - 150 mins Session
Past Life Regression is a therapeutic hypnosis technique for assessing and re-experiencing your past lives. Past Life Regression Therapy is used as a path of personal growth and healing. It can also help in finding out what your life purpose is or can sometimes help in finding solutions to some unexplainable issues such as irrational fears or beliefs in life. It further helps in gaining a better understanding of current life and the challenges that you are facing.
Some other benefits of Hypnosis:
Stress Reduction - Hypnosis helps promote relaxation and reprograms specific behavior patterns.
Improving Depressive Thoughts - Hypnosis overrides the negative thoughts that contribute to depression and leads the way to a more positive outlook.
Allergy Cure - Hypnosis can help get rid of allergies of the season.
Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem - Improves self-projection, reprograms past negative behavior, increases confidence and self-acceptance, motivates in making specific goals, and instills feelings of success/goal accomplishment.
Learning - Improves study habits, enhances memory and concentration, instills a positive attitude towards learning, and incorporates rewards.
Creativity - Releases blocked potential in the areas of writing, painting, or any performing arts, motivates production, and promotes insight into capabilities.
Sleep - Breaks bad nighttime habits. Restructures pre-bedtime mental activity and promotes peaceful sleep. Improves quality and duration of sleep.
Loss and Separation - Addresses physical symptoms of the separation reaction, removes blocks to recovery, releases pent-up emotions, and heals emotional wounds.
**The number of sessions and success may vary in individual cases. Some problems may require a medical referral. I do not offer a guarantee or a refund.
Some common concerns or myths surrounding Hypnosis are:
Afraid of getting Stuck in Hypnosis. This just does not happen. If the hypnotist stops talking, either you will slip into a natural sleep and then awaken normally or will be aroused by the absence of a speaker.
Fears that the hypnotist will be in control of their mind and they will be made to do things against their will. A person, undergoing a hypnosis session, is totally in control, can hear everything that is said, and can respond verbally and physically. The body relaxes as if asleep, but the mind remains even more alert. A person will not do anything under hypnosis that he/she would not be inclined to do normally.
Fears that they will reveal all their secrets. Since the person is aware throughout a hypnosis session, it is he/she who controls what will be revealed.
The belief that only weak-minded people can be hypnotized. Nobody can be ‘too strong-willed’ or ‘too sharp’. The more intelligent a person is, the easier it is to hypnotize him/her. Creative people are usually better able to visualize and follow guided imagery.
Doubts their ability to “go into hypnosis”. Almost anyone who wants to be hypnotized, can achieve the relaxed state of hypnosis. The hypnotist and the person seeking help both work together to achieve goals.
A hypnotist has magical powers. A hypnotist is an ordinary person who has mastered the skill of using the power of suggestion to bring about desired results.