HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Classes
What is HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing is a Natural Childbirth Education Program developed by Marie Mongan.
HypnoBirthing is a philosophy based on Calmer, Natural Childbirth. It prepares the mother physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable, pain-free manner.
There is no right or wrong way to birth your baby. The goal of HypnoBirthing is simply to stay calm and in control every step of the way.
Mongan Method HypnoBirthing is built upon an educational framework of self-understanding, positive body toning and healthful family living.
HypnoBirthing is a program through which women learn to dismiss fear-based stories, misinformation, and birthing myths, and they are helped to see Birth as Normal. They learn to trust that their bodies know how to bring their babies into the world in a calm and gentle way as Nature intended. It is designed to help parents learn how NOT to have pain and trauma when birthing.
This program includes several ways such as:
Relaxation Techniques
Special Breathing Techniques
Self Hypnosis
Deepening Techniques
Meditative Scripts
Extemporary Learning
Story Telling
Contempary Exercises
HypnoBirthing returns to a woman the art of birthing in a way that allows her to summon her natural birthing instincts and to birth her baby in safety and with ease.
“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change”
— Marie Mongan
HypnoBirthing helps enhance the Mind-Body connection. When your mind is relaxed, the body will follow. Special techniques taught in HypnoBirthing classes help your mind and body to be in a deep relaxed state that is essential to obtain a natural, easier and faster childbirth.
HypnoBirthing also helps in:
Releasing the fears and anxieties associated to child-birth.
Regaining moms trust and confidence in their bodies own natural ability to birth.
Considerably reducing the pain of birthing.
Reducing the need of any kind of medications or interventions.
Reducing the risk of episiotomy during birth.
Shortening the duration of labor and birth.
Reducing fatigue during birth and faster post-natal recovery.
Assisting breech-presented babies to turn into appropriate birthing position.
Prepares your birth companion to assist you during labor.
Making birth a beautiful and memorable experience for the parents and the baby.
“Pregnancy and Birth should be a couples greatest achievement, not their greatest fear”
Course Curriculum
HypnoBirthing® classes are taught as a series of 5 classes for 2 ½ - 3 hours each. During the HypnoBirthing classes, you will receive a copy of Marie Mongan's book: HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method, Rainbow Relaxation and Affirmations Mp3s and multiple informational handouts.
The earlier in your pregnancy you start with the classes, the more time you get to practice the HypnoBirthing techniques and hence these will come naturally and effortlessly in the later stages.
Class 1 - Setting the stage
Introduction to the HypnoBirthing philosophy.
The History of Birthing
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth
The calm and gentle vocabulary for birthing
How Self-Hypnosis creates positive birth outcomes
Viewing amazing birthing videos
Class 2 - Preparing Mind & Body - Prebirth family bonding
Falling in love with your baby
The Birth companion’s role in birthing
Prenatal bonding techniques
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
Selecting the right care provider and your birthing environment
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
Importance of Nutrition for easier birthing
Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning
Viewing birthing videos
Class 3 - Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
Self-hypnosis visualization and advanced deepening techniques
Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Understanding the special circumstances
Avoiding artificial induction and using natural means of labor
Nature’s gifts for the birth phase
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts
Viewing birthing videos
Class 4 - An Overview and Summary of Birthing
Pre-labor signs
Thinning and Opening Phase of labor
Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth
Birth Companion’s roles and activities
Birth explained simply
Misconceptions about Labor
Hallmarks of labor
Review of the Breathing exercises
Hypnosis for birth rehearsal
Viewing birthing videos
Class 5 - Birthing – The Final Act and Bonding
The Birthing phase of labor
Positions for baby and mom during labor and birthing
Review Birth Breathing
Baby’s self-attachment - Breastfeeding
The Birth Afterglow
Family bonding with your baby
Viewing birthing videos