Role of Partner in Pregnancy

Childbirth is the most beautiful and an important shared experience for both the mom and her partner.

HypnoBirthing childbirth education focuses on family, instead of only the woman. If the mom and her birthing partner plan, prepare and practice relaxation and HB techniques together, the partner learns how to be best possible coach for the mom. Partners are an incredible support to the moms to make this a calm and joyful journey.

During HypnoBirthing classes, partners are taught certain hypnotic and relaxation techniques specifically for them to use during pregnancy and labor to help moms and show them how to participate in the birth as much as they wish without feeling uncomfortable. It helps the partner learn techniques to stay relaxed that he can use with mom and himself too. By attending these classes, the partners will find out about their birthing preferences and learn how to be mom’s best advocate. They feel more confident after learning what to expect during labor and childbirth and by gathering ideas to help their partner through the experience.

In these classes, they can also talk about and clarify their fears and concerns about pregnancy and childbirth. Partners are taught how to read mom‘s body language and to nurture her. They help by supporting the woman and ensuring that she is not disturbed or worried unnecessarily.

This is one of those events for which showing up is the most important thing. Participation of the partner also enhances their bond with the baby. It is also important to master the overwhelming new task of fatherhood, not to lose their own sense of self and to manage to look after the baby on their own.

Some of the ways partners can help moms during childbirth are:

  • Staying calm

  • Be encouraging and using positive prompts

  • Be aware and supportive

  • Listening to her needs

  • Advocate for her wishes

“It has been proven that it is physically impossible to be in a complete state of relaxation if there is an individual standing next to you who is tense and full of adrenaline. The effect of this is that, with a man present, a woman cannot be as relaxed as she needs to be during labor” — Michel Odent.

Birthing Partners/Dads are always welcome with mom to the HypnoBirthing classes.


The Magic of Affirmations


Why hypnobirthing?