• Heal with Hypnosis

    Imagine a life free from anxiety and stress that holds you back from enjoying life.
    Discover how personalized, client-centered hypnosis sessions can help you achieve lasting changes and personal growth

  • HypnoBirthing®

    International Premium Childbirth Education Program

    Imagine experiencing childbirth with calmness and confidence

    Welcome to HypnoBirthing, where you harness the power of your mind to embrace childbirth with peace and empowerment.

Heal your Body by Healing your Mind

Hypnosis for life

A safe and healthy technique that helps you achieve life’s beneficial goals such as improving self image, overcoming phobias and fears, improving memory, breaking undesirable habits, dealing with stress and depression.

Hypnosis for Childbirth

HypnoBirthing® is a Natural Childbirth Education Program developed by Marie Mongan, that guides and prepares a woman to give birth in a peaceful and beautiful manner. The process includes special breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, affirmations and positive body toning.

Sign up for a session


  • "Rubina’s calming presence was important in taking us through the stages of birth using HypnoBirthing techniques. Splitting the classes between hypnosis sessions and birthing techniques was useful. Watching examples of live birthing using the techniques was very important, especially for the first-time parents. We enjoyed the classes."

    - Nathalia & Brett Penedos

  • "I had a couple of sessions with Rubina regarding issues with my career and personal life. She was very understanding and provided me with a plan of 3-4 sessions, involving hypnosis and past life regression therapy. I can say this with confidence that, she is good at what she does and will highly recommend her services for any type of psychological or emotional issues you might be having."

    -Dev Karan, Hypno Healings Clients

  • "It was an amazing experience. Hypnobirthing really helped me trust myself and stay calm at any circumstance. Thanks you for helping me make my pregnancy journey so positive and memorable. I am now looking forward to a happy birthing experience."

    - Priyam Kumari

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